I have never been a "product junky" kind of gal. With sensitive, pale skin I am often afraid of trying the latest and greatest products to hit the scene, in fear of bad reactions. Instead, I choose to stick to a pretty simple beauty routine, incorporating natural products whenever possible. So, I have enlisted the help of my sister Tess, to show us three simple and effective beauty DIY's.
In a small bowl (that you don't mind bringing into the shower), mix together brown sugar and olive oil. Add just enough oil to create a wet paste (olive oil is a great natural moisturizer). Jump in the shower and start exfoliating. The results are baby-soft skin, and is perfect for daily/weekly use.
In a small bowl, spoon in roughly two or three tablespoons of cold, plain greek yogurt. Next, open one probiotic capsule and empty the contents into the yogurt. Mix together and slather onto a clean, make-up free face. Let the mixture sit on your skin until it hardens and gently wash off, and moisturize as normal. The enzymes from the yogurt and the probiotic from the capsule help reduce redness, invigorate the skin and leave it feeling silky smooth. A great once-a-month treatment.
Mix baking soda with a little bit of lemon juice (from the bottle is fine), just enough to create a paste. Then, just like normal toothpaste, brush your teeth. Tess actually found this method to be more effective in whitening her teeth, than the standard Crest White Strips.
What at-home beauty remedies do yo swear by?